How To Self-Heal: Chiropractic Care and Connecting to the Body Within
How To Self-Heal: Chiropractic Care and Connecting to the Body Within
Do you suffer from chronic pain?
Are you faced with overall health challenges and age-related pain?
When learning how to self-heal from many types of pain, one option is to enlist the help of a chiropractor. While seeing a chiropractor can be beneficial to a point, most people are not utilizing this service to its fullest healing potential.
For a lot of people, seeing a chiropractor is a quick fix for pain in the neck, shoulder and/or back. However, the more you go to be adjusted, the more you tend to need adjusting. Unfortunately, over time, the adjustments can become less effective as the tight tissue shuts down more movement.
This can also set you up for random injuries called cumulative trauma. For instance, when someone sneezes and their back goes out, they’re most likely suffering from cumulative trauma.
However, when a chiropractor suggests consistent care to address pain issues, many people see that as some sort of ploy to make more money, but that’s just not the case. I call this a self-healing journey for a reason; it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
If you’re looking for a quick fix, you are doing yourself a grave disservice. While it may provide temporary relief, it’s important to consider the long-term consequences of what that does to your body as you age.
Read on to find out more about how to best support your self-healing journey with chiropractic care.
Start by connecting to your Body Within and asking yourself some questions, like, “What am I looking for from my adjustments?”
The answer to this question may be different from person-to-person, but luckily, your Body Within will steer you in the right direction.
Maybe you are learning how to self-heal from chronic pain or injuries and want to supplement your work with chiropractic care. Many people also see a chiropractor for regular aches and pains that arise as they age. You may even be rather young and just looking to achieve a more balanced approach to your health with good posture benefits.
There really is no wrong answer to this question, however, having clarity on your goals will ensure that you are taking the right next steps to get the most out of your chiropractic care.
“Do I understand all the benefits of this modality or am I short-changing my healing?”
To use the amazing gift of chiropractic care to self heal from chronic pain and learn how to age gracefully, I recommend that you first learn about how it works.
It’s important to understand that not only can this care relieve a sore back, for example, but it also wakes up the entire nervous system. Additionally, it stimulates organs, helps your body correct dysfunction, stimulates your immune system and more.
If used properly, it can help to heal the body from old and new dysfunction, as well as enable you to age gracefully. In order to get the maximum benefits, however, you’re going to need to educate yourself first.
“Have I had a really good conversation with my chiropractor to see my part in the process?”
Not only is consistent care a must when it comes to supporting your self-healing journey, but there are also independent exercises that can be done to support the regular appointments.
For instance, exercises that stabilize the spine, along with soft tissue work, can help to open and release tight areas. Have a conversation with your chiropractor to see if he/she has any recommendations regarding how you can become more active in your healing.
Think about it: if you had surgery to repair damage after a heart attack and then you go home and start eating burgers and bacon again, you’re likely going to end up back in the hospital.
Chronic pain works much in the same way. If your chiropractor is the only one doing the work to correct the issue, it may not be enough in the long run. This is where learning how to self heal is going to be a major asset to your health.
“Do I understand my body and how it moves?”
In order to start making corrections and learning how to self heal, you need to begin by understanding exactly where you are today.
If you’re not being mindful in your own body, you’re likely to continue perpetuating harmful patterns that will inevitably slow down your healing and prolong your pain.
“Do I have a role in creating the dysfunction in my body or is it caused by old injuries?”
Again, how well do you understand your own body?
For instance, is your pain caused by an old back injury or is it a result of hunching over a computer keyboard all day? Maybe it’s a combination of the two.
Only you can address these issues in your day-to-day life. Of course, a good chiropractor will be able to offer you some guidance, but unless they’re coming home with you and watching your every move, you need to be mindful and hold yourself accountable.
“Do I have a role in learning how to strengthen my balance and core to release tight muscles and make the chiropractic work more beneficial?”
One common misconception about the human body is that each area works independently of the others. Nothing could be further from the truth and, unfortunately, misalignment in one area of the body can cause stress and pain in another area.
For example did you know that your “core” doesn’t just refer to your abdominal muscles? It actually encompasses your entire midsection, including your sides and back. When these muscles are weak or working improperly, it can actually cause pain and injury to your hips, knees and/or back.
When learning how to self heal from chronic pain and/or injury, it’s important to consider whether or not you need to correct those imbalances and strengthen your muscles. This will also be a factor in getting the best results from your chiropractic care.
I know this journey can feel daunting at times, but you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be the best, healthiest version of yourself- especially as you age!
If you start to go inward and connect to your Body Within, you will learn how much power you have to work alongside your chiropractor. In that space, the healing potential is endless.
You are your own healer.
The chiropractor is there with direction to help you help yourself!
For more guidance on this topic, check out my Posture for Life quick tips on YouTube.
You can also go even further with my signature Posture for Life program. This program will provide actionable tools to help you realign your posture and learn more about the misalignments in your body. With these tools, you will be in the driver’s seat - whether you choose chiropractic care or another modality- to create even more healing for yourself.
Embrace gift and the choice; it’s all yours!