Mask or No Mask?
During this time of uncertainty, the big question for most is, should I wear a mask during COVID19?
We're all very much still feeling the effects of the virus. If you’re looking for tips on how to stay healthy, I’ve included some tips to help keep you safe during COVID, but today I want to talk about the topic of whether to wear a mask.
I see such a mix of people choosing both options. I am not going to tell you if you should or should not.
I will ask you to sit with these questions and find the truth or how you see this, not what your reaction has decided.
Do I believe this virus is real?
What information has lead me to believe yes or no?
What sources has that information come from?
How does wearing a mask impact me personally? What about those around me? Or those who might be at risk?
Is there a risk to others if I don’t wear one?
If yes/no, what sources did I get that information from?
If I don’t believe any of the virus info and others do, does me wearing a mask make a difference to those who believe it’s real?
What you feed grows, and right now we are growing more adversity for ourselves.
If you fear something, and people around you don’t, you will fear it more. It does not matter if you are the nonbeliever or the over fearer, they are both causing chaos.
Let’s try to find a middle ground so we can create balance in this and in time could help it resolve faster. I am going to tell you that what you feed energetically grows and it will spill out into the space of people around you.
Right now I witness the over fearful and the under concerned daily.
What we are feeding as a society is uncertainty. Everyone hears and reads differently and there is no one truth for everyone to hold on to. Everyone had their own interpretation and this creates chaos at its best.
We really need to find a middle ground to balance the energy surrounding so it can burn itself out.