Energy Healing and Intuition
Demystifying commonly held ideas about “The Gift” of energy healing and intuition.
What is “The Gift,” and who has access to it?
When I started on my healing journey, I was physically limited. This and many other life challenges led to my emotional state being, let’s just say, unstable.
All of a sudden, as I dove deeper into healing, lots of hidden skills started to appear. It didn’t happen all at once, and to this day, I’m still learning more about the full potential we have as humans.
The most important lesson, though, has been this- There’s no limit to our potential as long as we can get out of the way.
I come from a very French Canadian background, and they perceive people with my skill sets as having “The Gift.”
When they would talk about me, they would say, “You know Marie! She’s the one with ‘The Gift.’”
It makes me laugh every time I hear it!
When I try to convince these people that they can also have “The Gift,” they insist that it’s something only special people can be born with.
For instance, my maternal grandmother had “The Gift.”
They say my paternal great-grandmother also had “The Gift.”
What does that even mean?
What skills come with “The Gift?”
Disclaimer: This is all from my perspective, not to be confused with the absolute truth. It’s up to you to decide if it rings true for you.
In the past 20 years, I’ve developed and used “The Gift,” while teaching others how to wake up this ability in themselves.
“The Gift” can include a whole array of different skills, from energy healing to all forms of intuition. And I’ve seen many incredible things begin to happen within the people I’ve helped.
Things like…
The ability to foresee a situation before it happens.
Dreams that come true within days of having them.
Receiving answers to problems in dreams.
Knowing the body on a deep level, and sensing how to help it correct imbalances before they progress into illness or injury.
Using energy to heal from most chronic ailments.
Feeling and sensing the energy in the surroundings to know how to avoid negative situations.
Seeing synchronicities in everyday life to solve problems.
Releasing helplessness and finding solutions to problems by sitting quietly and tapping into the Body Within.
Having a clear connection to loved ones after they’ve passed and using their knowledge to have a better life.
Seeing that we’re all the same, and if we mirror ourselves in others, we will discover answers that we didn’t know existed.
The ability to be present and see each situation without an agenda; this creates the ability to find solutions instead of brick walls.
Some people are able to do all of these things and even more!
The more you become present in life and make choices from that space, the more “The Gift” grows - be it in the form of energy healing, intuition, or something more!
Remember the maternal grandmother I spoke about earlier? She was a very strong, realistic woman who saw life for what it was: the good, the bad, and the really ugly.
In my book, “The Missing Piece to Health and Aging Gracefully,” I tell a story about a woman named Grace. Grace was also a very realistic woman who could see life with a clear perspective. She didn’t always like what she saw, but when adversity hit, she remained open to new ways of looking at a problem to find a solution.
I would say both Grace and my grandmother had “The Gift!”
It wasn’t necessarily something that was bestowed upon them at birth. “The Gift” grew strong within these women because of their ability to see things as they truly are.
We all see life through our own glasses and believe our own story. That story, however, is based on our experiences instead of objective reality. Unfortunately, that hinders our ability to solve new problems as they arise.
This issue presents itself a lot in the war between the alternative and western models of medicine.
For example, I have so many clients who suffer from back pain. They have a belief that only certain things can help them with their pain. As soon as I present another option, they shoot it down because they don’t see it as valuable in the distorted lens through which they view back pain.
I also see a lot of women who suffer from osteoporosis. They don’t want to take medicine, and they don’t like to exercise. Instead, they pretend the problem doesn’t exist until they experience a stress fracture. Their world crumbles, and they still can’t find a way out because they’re unwilling to sit in the truth of what’s happening. They can only sit in their personal beliefs. This is a huge problem, but I see it all the time.
And it’s not just my clients; we’re all guilty of this.
We dwell in our own beliefs when we exercise, eat or rest. We do it in relationships with friends, family and co-workers. We all have beliefs about how life works, so when an unexpected solution to a problem presents itself, we can’t see it.
If you find yourself reflecting on any of these things, maybe you need to see if you have “The Gift.”
That’s the first step to opening it up for yourself.
I have one way to access “The Gift”- through the Body Within. Maybe you have another way based on your own beliefs of what a healing practice is… if that works for you, then feel free to take that route!
The key is to understand what you’re looking for in yourself.
Most importantly, you need to follow through!
It’s about you making the commitment to prioritize YOURSELF over everything else you have to do in a day.
If you can do that, you’ll always have a Plan B in the form of your Body Within when you inevitably run into struggles!
All you have to do is take the time to get to know yourself better.
It’s your health, your future, your choice!
To get started on your own self-healing journey and uncovering “The Gift” within yourself, try my class, Connecting to Your Body Within.
For a more well-rounded approach, you can also find this class, along with the ‘Posture for Life’ and ‘Exercise and Sleep’ classes, in my 3 week self-study course.