Fear Has No Place in Health and Medicine
Exploring the dangers of blanket statements and fear-based medicine.
The other day, I had a conversation with a couple of fellow practitioners.
We were chatting about the virus, the vaccine, and the many struggles that come along with helping clients sort through misinformation and stress in regards to these issues.
As much as I hate to admit it, my favorite thing to do is instigate a conversation to see how far someone will go to fight their truth.
I’m always curious about how much information someone can cite just to reinforce their point. It’s almost as if they’re working to convince themselves as hard as they’re working to convince me.
This particular conversation did not disappoint!
It went from…
“If everyone lost weight and exercised, we wouldn’t have to get vaccinated.”
“The vaccine will change your DNA.”
“It still hasn’t received official approval, so it’s dangerous.”
“Some people will not feel safe unless they get the vaccine, so therefore, everyone should get vaccinated.”
“If everyone gets vaccinated, we’ll get rid of the virus.”
“COVID isn’t real; I know it won’t hurt me because I do my preventative care.”
“I’m not telling my clients that I’m vaccinated for fear of conflict.”
“I’m not telling my clients that I’m unvaccinated for fear of conflict.”
I could go on and on.
So many people believe that there is only one truth out there, and if someone else doesn’t believe their version, then that person is wrong. And that just isn’t the case!
After being called “ignorant” because I haven’t read what others believed, that conversation basically wrote this blog for me!
Why do we believe all these “truths?” Where are we all making this decision from?
Who is right? Is there such a thing as universal right or wrong?
We have an infinite universe with infinite possibilities of how many turns a conversation or situation can take.
Even though this has always been true in the past, the tide has turned. Now, so many of us think that there’s only one right answer! And the answer that you believe is right is the one answer that should work for all of us!
If that’s true, and there is only one right answer… Why does everyone have a different answer?
In addition, when you don’t buy into someone’s idea of the “right” answer, like the vaccine issue, it becomes about who can persuade you the most with fear. No matter what side of the issue you’ve chosen, you are bullied with fear.
It’s the never-ending blanket statement for health with an unhealthy serving of fear on the side.
This is what COVID has done for us!
If we were all living our truths, listening to our bodies, and learning what we need personally, our decisions and the words coming out of our mouths would be very different.
The way we process all that knowledge would be different.
And we would have compassion for others and the reasons they’re making their choices.
Let’s aim for more compassion in health, instead of fear!
I have a client who has lost five family members to the virus. Her answer is the vaccine; who can begrudge her that gift?
Another client has a close family member that had an anaphylactic reaction and almost died from the vaccine. Now, the rest of her family is afraid of it. How can you tell them that they’re wrong?
I have many elderly clients who have lived through many viruses in their lifetimes and already have their own personal view of vaccines. They won’t feel safe without it.
I also have a client whose young niece had a reaction; would you tell her family that it can’t harm you?
I am surrounded by healthcare workers who genuinely believe in the vaccine. They go to work and feel safer every day as a result. Try to tell them a different story…
I’ve seen so many people try to convince healthcare workers that the vaccine is bad. How can you know a healthcare worker’s truth when you haven’t walked in their shoes?
I believe the universe is full of answers and gifts for all of us. Yours is in a package that is right for you and you alone.
You should never attempt to scare anyone into believing your side of the story.
You shouldn’t make a decision based on fear, either.
I truly believe that your truth about the vaccine and whether or not it is right for you lies within you…
… not the CDC.
… not with the media.
… not with alternative medicine.
… not with western medicine.
… not with what your spouse, your children, or what your parents think.
You have had many experiences and moments in life that have taught you what is right for you. No one else has walked a mile in your shoes, so don’t give them the power to choose your destiny.
When information comes your way, read it. Then sit with that information, and ask to see what you need to see about it. Wait for a day or so. Don’t buy into it right away. Let it process to see how it feels.
Sit quietly and ask yourself, “Do I believe this or not? What are my reasons?”
If your reasons are from life experience, how does it feel when you become that information?
You might have to do this a couple of times to find clarity. Then, make a decision. Don’t talk about it to others if they have a strong opinion. If you do, they will fight their fight, and you will fight yours. When that happens, neither of you will process thought; everything will be a reaction!
This is your journey, your decision. The more you talk to others, the more confused you will get. This may lead to a fear-based decision.
The bullies will be bullies. If it’s their truth, they wouldn’t have to convince the world in an effort to convince themselves.
Chaos Breeds Chaos.
Calm the chaos so that you can balance yourself and breed some inner peace. From that space, you’ll be able to make a better decision for yourself.
To understand your role in your health even more deeply, try my “Connecting to Your Body Within” class. Click here to learn more!